Following Glenn Thomas’ suggestion for a Cyclops tent at Bonneville, I designed “The Cyclops Racing Team Tent.” It would be the ideal center for Cyclops enthusiasts visiting Bonneville this coming September 13–16.
In it they could meet, socialize, relax, plan the day’s racing, and watch the action in the shade. The tent’s basic construction could be aluminum tubing with a yellow plastic or canvas covering, opaque enough to provide cool shade inside. Jack Englehardt said he would like to build it.
Stay tuned.
Stan Mott
Minister of Propaganda in Perpetuity
Automobili Cyclops SpA

Thanks to Stan Mott for this Dean’s Garage scoop!
Outstanding!!! I rember those drawing in Road and Track magazine growing up. great to see again!
Fantastic! How about Cyclops Racing Team shirts?
We are considering not only Cyclops Racing Team shirts but hats, doilies, beer mugs, door mats, model cars, towels, underwear, belts, badges, sweatshirts, bean bag chairs, wall paper, napkins, rugs, curtains, scarves, shorts, note pads, zoot suits, change purses, yoyos, capes, ski masks, fog horns, bumper stickers, book ends, long johns, bib overalls, stickers, refrigerator magnets, fly swatters, pins, tupperware, umbrellas, kazoos, pogo sticks, high heeled sneakers and whatever else we may think of between now and September.
Stan Mott work has always been a source of joy for me. I glad to see he still has “it.” I will be the first to by a box Cyclops tongue depressors.